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The reduction process and its terminology were originally defined in Todd's paper "A problem on arc tangent relations" (American Math. Monthly 56 (1949), pp 517-528). The process is outlined below:

An "irreducible" [I] is the inverse cotangent of an integer I having the property that the largest prime factor of (I²+1) is not less than 2I. The primes associated in this way (actually, in a 1-1 correspondence) with the irreducibles [1], [2], [4], [5], [6], [9] are respectively 2, 5, 17, 13, 37, 41, and so on. The task of reducing [N] (= arccot N) to a sum of signed irreducible inverse integer cotangents [I1], [I2], &c., is equivalent to expressing (N + j) as a product of factors of the form (I1 ± j), (I2 ± j), &c. (here 'j' is the imaginary square root of -1). After extracting each factor, the "residue" is a complex number (X ± Yj), with X and Y co-prime, whose squared modulus (X² + Y²) steadily decreases.

Suppose N = 32085. The initial residue is (32085 + j).

(1) FIND THE LARGEST PRIME FACTOR 'P' OF THE SQUARED MODULUS (X² + Y²) OF THE RESIDUE (X ± Yj), AND HENCE DETERMINE THE NEXT IRREDUCIBLE TERM (Note: if X and Y are both odd, a factor 2 is present; otherwise all of the prime factors are congruent to 1, modulo 4).
Initially the squared modulus of the residue is 32085² + 1 = 1029447226, whose largest prime factor is P=829, which is associated (see link above) with the irreducible term [246] - i.e. I=246 is the least integer for which 829 divides (I² + 1); so a term ±[246] appears in the reduction.

Suppose the associated irreducible term is [I]. The sign of [I] is "-" if (X ± YI), the real integer obtained by substituting 'I' for 'j' in the residue, is divisible by P (or is zero); otherwise it is "+".
Note: (X ± YI) is the coefficient of 'j' in the product (X ± Yj)(I +
Initially, the residue (X ± Yj) = (32085 +
j); therefore (X ± YI) = 32085 + 246 = 32331, which IS divisible by 829, so the sign of [246] in the reduction is "-".

This is obtained by multiplying the current residue (X ± Yj) either by (I +
j) or by (I - j), depending on whether the sign of the irreducible term is "-" or "+", respectively, and then removing all common factors (which are certain to include P) from the real and imaginary coefficients in the product.
Initially, the product is (32085 +
j).(246 + j) = {(32085.246 - 1) + (32085 + 246)j} = {7892909 + 32331j} = {829.9521 + 829.39j}.
The new residue (X ± Yj) is therefore (9521 + 39j).

Repeat steps (1), (2) & (3) until X or Y becomes zero, or until one of them becomes unity and the other is irreducible, when the reduction will be complete - in the latter case that irreducible appears as the final term in the reduction, its sign being calculated as in (2).
Should X and Y both become unity (with the same, or opposite signs) a [1] term is present in the reduction - its coefficient has to be worked out by approximating all the inverse cotangent values present and ensuring they "balance".

Thus (continuing the above example):

(1) 9521² + 39² = 90650962 =; P = 173, I = 80.
(2) 9521 + 39.80 = 12641, which is NOT divisible by 173; so next term is +[80].
(3) (9521 + 39j).(80 -
j) = (173.37.119 - 173.37j) so new residue is (119 - j).

(1) 119² + 1 = 14162 = 97.73.2; P = 97, I = 22.
(2) 119 - 22 IS divisible by 97 (note "-" because of sign in residue), so next term is -[22].
(3) (119 -
j).(22 + j) = (97.27 + 97j) so new residue is (27 + j).

27 is an irreducible, so [27] appears in the reduction; step (2) determines its sign is "+".

So the complete reduction is [32085] = -[22] + [27] + [80] - [246].

Note 1: The order in which terms in the reduction are found is here dictated by the sizes of the associated primes.
Note 2: If the highest prime P (>2) found in any step (1) is present to a higher power than 1, the corresponding irreducible term will be multiplied by that power - steps (1) and (2) only have to be carried out once for that term, but step (3) must be repeated appropriately.

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